Adriana Hinojosa Céspedes



Adriana de Lourdes Hinojosa Céspedes (born 10 April 1972) is a Mexican politician from the National Action Party. From 2009 to 2012 she served as Deputy of the
LXI Legislature of the Mexican Congress The LXI Legislature of the Congress of Mexico met from September 1, 2009, to August 31, 2012. Members of the upper house of the Congress were selected in the elections of July 2006 while members of the lower house of the Congress were selected ...
representing the State of Mexico.


1972 births Living people Politicians from Mexico City Women members of the Chamber of Deputies (Mexico) National Action Party (Mexico) politicians 21st-century Mexican politicians 21st-century Mexican women politicians Deputies of the LXI Legislature of Mexico Members of the Chamber of Deputies (Mexico) for the State of Mexico {{Mexico-deputy-NationalAction-1970s-stub